Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Memo from Ms. Melanie Gates, RE: Calculators


Our middle school’s website posts recommended student supplies for the 2013-2014 school year. Calculators are recommended for students entering the 8th grade, I would like to share with you the recommendations for calculators at our high school so that you may plan your purchases accordingly.

A scientific calculator, like the TI-30X IIS, is sufficient for middle school, algebra I, and geometry. Students who are taking Algebra I honors and intend on pursing mathematics through calculus are recommended to have a graphing calculator, such as one from the TI-84 series.

Please know that we are not stating that students should have a graphing calculator for middle school, but this information may be helpful in planning your purchase.

Each of these recommended calculators meet the specifications for CollegeBoard’s SAT policy and for the Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System (MCAS) exams.

TI-84 Plus TI-84 Plus

TI-84 Plus TI-84 Plus Silver Edition

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Grade 6 Open House

6th Grade Open House -- Monday, August 26

On Monday night, August 26, Mr. McLaughlin, the 6th Grade Teachers, and I hosted an Open House/Ice Cream Social for our new, incoming sixth grade students.

It was a tremendous night, where we were able to introduce the teachers; have students see and meet the teachers on their teams; and enjoy a fresh scooped bowl of ice cream from their principal, assistant principal or PE/Health teacher.

Great information being told and great time to be had.

Major thanks to everyone who came -- parents and students; the 6th grade teachers; Mr. McLaughlin; Unified Arts Teachers, Mr. Thompson and Ms. Joyce; Guidance Counselor, Ms. Buron; and for the NMS PTA for supplying the ice cream and toppings.

Students enjoying some ice cream; talking about their new teachers.

Students building the best sundae possible; no topping left behind.

PE Teacher Mr. Thompson lending a great hand scooping some Swirl.

Assistant Principal Mr. McLaughlin feeding the masses.

Parents and students enjoying all the positives they've learned of Nichols Middle.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Welcome Back to School Year 2013-2014!

Welcome Back!

Long time, no hear . . . I know.

We have been very busy all summer trying to put together our schedule for the new school year starting on Wednesday, September 4.

Just a short reminder:  Please pass on to new 6th Grade Parents how they should register for an email update whenever this blog is updated.  Entering their email address to the right.  à à 

Okay, now for news:  Our plan is for on Monday, August 26, we will be posting Homeroom Assignments on the windows of the school for students in all grades and parents to see which team their child is on.

We, again, have been diligently working all summer on inputting our new schedule into Aspen, our Student Information System.  It has been very tricky, to say the least.

We first stated that we were going to move from a 3-Day rotation to a 6-Day rotation for this upcoming school year.  As we worked to enter everything into Aspen, we realized the 6-Day rotation was not going to be equitable, and a 7-Day rotation would work best.  So we will have an A through G-Day schedule.  It looks a little different than the 6-Day schedule, but we know it works better for all students and will be a great addition to our school.

Grade 6 Open House/Orientation will be held at the Nichols Middle School on Monday, August 26, 2013, at 6 PM.  This will be your opportunity with your child to see the school and meet his/her teachers.  We look forward to seeing you there.  At this event, we will be introducing Mr. Tim McLaughlin, our assistant principal, our sixth grade teachers, and myself.  We will start the evening at 6 PM in the Auditorium, and then you will be led to your child’s teacher team for introductions there on the sixth grade floor, to finish in the cafeteria for an ice cream social, sponsored by our NMS PTA.

On Tuesday, August 27, 2013, we have a Walk-Through Orientation for sixth grade students and all new students from 10 AM to 12 Noon.  Again, this is a chance to see the building and have some of our seventh and eighth grade Student Council students tour your child around the school answering any questions you or your child may have.

During this Walk-Through at 11:30 AM on Tuesday, August 27, we will also be holding an informational meeting about our new math program, Digits, for parents with students in all grades.  Ms. Melanie Gates, our STEM Coordinator, and I will be making a presentation about Digits and answering any questions you may have about the program.  We will then do the program a second time at 6:30 PM, Tuesday, August 27, in the Auditorium for parents with students in all grades.  We hope you are able to make one of these presentations.  

Again, we hope you enjoy the end of your summer.

M R Geoghegan