Our NMS Math Team successfully competed for the first time this past Friday, January 25, at Somerset Middle School.
Ms. Nettie Macquarrie and Mr. Marty Rader, our Math Team Co-Advisors, led this wonderful group of seventh and eighth graders in their first competition. Ms. Macquarrie and Mr. Rader have been having practices with the kids each week since the beginning of the school year.
The students have been studying hard and their learned knowledge didn't pay off with a Championship in this particular meet, but the experience the students had I am sure was something to treasure just as much.
Our NMS Mathletes:
Olivia Briggs
Micah D'Amato
Matthew Davieau
Melissa Foley
Valerie Gaoette
Alina Parker
Kaitlyn Perkins
Kathleen Perkins
Daniel Seifert
Nicholas Villalobo
Lindsay Woodward
I don't know, if you ask me, it just adds up to something to celebrate.
Congratulations, Mathletes and Advisors! You represented us well and we appreciate all your hard work! Great job!