I can't believe September is over. It has been an incredible month of new beginnings. We have a new schedule, new courses, new curricula, and new sixth graders. It has been a joy to see the faculty, staff, and students of
During the first day of school, Mr. McLaughlin and I were able to meet with the classes as a full grade in the auditorium. There we explained to them our school’s mission and where we see us taking the students not only during this school year but during their whole time with us. In essence, our mission is to make them the best students they can be. Everything we do is geared towards this mission of making them successful.
When we spoke with the classes, we talked about how for many years the emphasis in schools has been on the "3 R’s" ofReading , wRiting and aRithmetic. We certainly will continue to recognize the importance of this academic foundation by increasing students’ understanding of their academic and unified arts' curricula. But we stressed to them that we were, at the same time, going to focus on “3 other R’s.” Today, especially in the world today, learners also need to master the "3 R’s" of Responsibility, Respect, and Reputation in order to be successful life long learners. It is these 3 R’s which will enable them to have access to our mission to make them the best students they can be in school and in life.
In relation to our mission, I have continued my message to tell the students during our morning announcements for them to “Do the best you can in everything you do today.” If they do their part in doing their best, and we as a school do our best, only great things can and will happen.When we spoke with the classes, we talked about how for many years the emphasis in schools has been on the "3 R’s" of
Soon you will be receiving the Spring 2013 MCAS Score Reports, which will be mailed home this week. As you may be aware, last spring’s MCAS results were just received, and we can now release these scores to you.
Improvement of our MCAS scores is something that we as a school community know and understand that we need to do; for success to us will only be when we have 100% of our students in the Advanced and Proficient range.
It has unquestionably been a terrific opening for all of us here at NMS as we start the 2013-2014 school year. Mr. McLaughlin and I could not be happier with how things are progressing. We have started to put together many changes, which we feel will only make the Nichols' experience greater for all of our students. Please stay in touch through this blog and also to us in the Main Office. We are here for your students but also for you as well.
Please remember to check out the calendar at the end of this site, for it holds a wealth of information. As you can see, there is a Nichols PTA meeting in the Media Center, tomorrow night, Tuesday, October 1, at 7 PM; please come and be involved. At these meetings, much is explained and information is always given to help you help your children. I hope to see you there.
Please continue to visit the website, for I will be updating it as often as I can with events, news, and other school proceedings.
M. R. Geoghegan