Third Trimester Progress Reports
Progress Reports for Trimester 3 will be issued on the afternoon of Friday, May 9. Your child will be coming home with the Progress Report as well as a receipt that needs to be signed and returned to school on Monday, May 12.
The marks that you have found on this progress report should never be a surprise to either you or your child. Please make sure you check out the grades as well as the comments, which could mention progress for Conduct and Effort. If you feel that discussion regarding your child’s progress or lack of it in any of these categories is needed, please make an appointment to schedule a time that would offer both you and the teacher enough time to adequately discuss your child's present situation. We need to make sure there is an open door of communication between school and home that is necessary to bring both the teacher and you to the same page in this educational journey. As for the progress report, it is just that: progress. Students should understand that the marks that are present at the halfway point of a term can change easily in either direction. Students should recognize that they can very simply transform those grades, again, in either direction. So if the grades were high-quality, students need to continue with the work habits they have displayed in the first month or so of this trimester, and if the grades were not where they should have or could have been then that student needs to understand that a change in work habits is needed. Remember also, please keep up with checking your child's agenda book on a nightly basis, for this will help in keeping track as to where your child's grades stand as they progress through the rest of the trimester.
Also a reminder, if you haven’t done so yet, please enter your email, to the right, so you can receive updates on any and all important information about what’s happening or will happen at school. There is a calendar at the bottom of this page, please check it out to stay updated.
Also, if you have not done so yet, please sign-up for grade updates through the Aspen Parent Portal. If you do not have the directions to do so, please contact your child's guidance counselor and we will be happy to help you.
Thank you, have a great weekend, and Happy Mother's Day on Sunday.