Friday, June 16, 2017

Fun in the Sun -- 2017 8th Grade Whale Watch Field Trip

8th Grade Field Trip on Tuesday, June 13

On Tuesday, June 13, many of our 8th Grade students went on a whale watch with Captain John's Whale Watch out of Plymouth Harbor.

Students and chaperones all had a great time.

It was a very warm day, but being out on the water was not a bad place to be.  

Fun, fun experience for all.

A special thank you to all the eighth grade teachers and staff who helped to make this trip possible, whether they stayed behind with the students who chose not to go or those that chaperoned or just helped with the organization of the day.

Thank you to the NMS PTA for paying for the bus transportation.

Thank you to our parent volunteers who also came on the trip.

Thank you to Mrs. Amy Anderson, who pretty much organized and ran this special event for our 8th Grade students.

Thank you to Mr. Thomas and Ms. Rae for their pictures below.