NMS Clubs and Activities
We have updated an Informational Page on the NMS website on our clubs and activities.
This "What's Happening" section gives a description of the clubs/activities we have to start the year. We will be updating this page as the year progresses with Winter and Spring Sports as well as the Spring Musical, etc.
The link is our NMS website front page: http://www.middleboro.k12.ma.us/NMS
I will also attach the information below. Our Google Calendar here on the blog will have the Clubs and Activities meeting dates as well.
Any questions about specific clubs or activities, please get in touch with the listed Advisor, or contact us in the Main Office.
Thank you.
Advisors - Ms. Laperriere, Mr. Rothemich
Student Council meets the third Tuesday of each month except in September and November those dates are 9/12 and 11/14. Meetings are located in the 7th grade A cluster. We encourage students to be school leaders by raising awareness through fundraisers, food drives as well as helping students find ways to help out in their community. Additionally, planning of hat days, school functions, etc... Any questions please contact:
Advisor - Ms. Walgreen
Yearbook committee meets after school on Mondays starting in October in the media center. 5-10 students are selected by Ms. Walgreen to help create the Nichols Middle School yearbook. Jobs include taking photos, creating and editing pages, interviewing staff and students, writing and promoting yearbook sales. Students who are interested should pick up an application from Ms. Walgreen in the media center. Any questions please contact:
Advisor - Mr. Redpath
Builders club meets twice a month beginning Wednesday, September 10, after school in room A100. Builders club is a community service club. It is the middle school version of the Kiwanis Club and is sponsored by the local Kiwanis Club. Our mission is to help students gain leadership skills while providing service to the community and stressing the value and importance of volunteering. Sign up at lunch or after school. Any questions contact:
Advisor - Ms. Tucker
Art club meets every Wednesday after school in the art room. Since there are so many after school opportunities offered to our middle school students, I do not expect art club members to meet each time. Art club is a chance for students to explore art beyond the general curriculum. Students are invited to participate in the cultural or seasonal art projects presented each time, or to work on projects they choose independently. We also have a student led Anime group that meets at the same time for students interested in the art of Japanese cartooning. Any questions contact:
Advisor - Ms. Conant
Spelling team meets two days a week for practice starting in late September/early October in room B302 specific days of the week will be determined later. There are two math meets each year and we will travel to two schools. The team is limited to 12 students, for more information contact:
Advisor - Mr. Rader
Math Team Meets two days a week starting in late September in room C 306 and is available only for 7th and 8th graders. we will travel to other schools for those meets please see Mr. Rader for further information or contact:
Advisor - Ms. Weaver
Drama club will meet will meet Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Starting September 10, 2014 in room C206. This years production will be a comedy " Peter Pan and Wendy" any student who would like to be onstage or work behind the scenes during the production please see Ms. Weaver or contact her at:
INTRAMURALS Click here for intramural application
Advisor - Mr. Thompson
Four sessions of intramurals will be offered on Monday and Wednesdays to all students throughout the year. First session flag football will begin on September 24. For further information see Mr. Thompson or contact: