Thursday, November 2, 2017

Registration for NMS 2017 Winter Sports -- Girls & Boys Basketball

How To Register for NMS Winter Sports

It is that winter time of year. We have two teams for NMS in the Massasoit League: Girls and Boys Basketball. The teams are made up of students from all three grades, and open to all three grades for tryout. More information to come about dates for tyouts (keep an eye out here for them).

In order to tryout, you will need two things.  The first is a current physical with the school nurse.  If it expires soon, or is already expired, you must get a new one before you are allowed to tryout.  Coaches cannot make exceptions to this rule, and you will not be permitted to tryout without one.  Second, a parent or guardian must sign up through the Family ID Portal located on the Middleboro Public Schools Website.  Click on the REGISTER NOW for Family ID button on the MPS Athletics page.

To be clear, this MUST be completed BEFORE you are allowed to tryout.  At the end of registering, it may ask you to pay a user fee, but this is not required until after team selection has taken place, so disregard it for now.
Any questions, please contact MPS Athletic Director Mr. Ryan Sylvia at

Mark Your Calendar: We will also be having our NMS Winter Sports Meeting on Thursday, November 30, if any of the Nichols parents would like to come. It will be held at 6:00 PM in the MHS Gymnasium where Mr. Sylvia will go over rules, answer questions, help parents with sign-ups, payments, and meet/greet with the coaches.

Any questions, please contact MPS Athletic Director Mr. Ryan Sylvia at