Friday, December 22, 2017

A Night of Music - The 2017 NMS Orchestra & Band Holiday Concerts

A Tremendous Night of
Talented Musicians

Yet another packed house on Tuesday, December 19 evening, to hear the phenomenal music stylings of our NMS Orchestra and Band.

Mr. Patrick Converse, for his first time, directed amazing performances from our 6th Grade, 7th Grade, and 8th Grade Orchestra students first at 6:30, and then our 6th, 7th, and 8th Grade Band students at 8PM.

It was standing room only for the concert.  To hear the improvements and how our young musicians put their practice into performance is so impressive.  Songs certainly got the audience in the holiday spirit and one could not help but tap with the music to the classic tunes.

Excellent job by all.

Here are some pictures from the night: