Friday, December 13, 2013

Trimester 1 Report Cards Distributed Friday, 12/13

Trimester 1 Report Cards Go Home

Good morning,  

This afternoon all Nichols Middle School students will be heading home with their first trimester report cards, which were issued today, Friday, December 13.  They will go home with your child with a receipt saying you received and saw the Report Card, which will need to be signed and returned to your child’s homeroom teacher on Monday, December 16.  
I have said this before, that communication is a powerful tool in closing the gap between home and school and ensuring success for all of our students.  The marks that you have found on this report card should never be a surprise to either you or your child.  If you feel that discussion regarding your child’s progress or lack of it is needed, please call the school to talk to the teacher, to then make an appointment to schedule a time that would offer both you and the teacher enough time to adequately discuss your child's present situation.    

With your child’s Report Card is a letter about our own Nichols Middle School NCLB Report Card.  This letter will direct you to THIS LINK to see the blog about this report card with THIS LINK TO SEE THE REPORT IN ITS ENTIRETY.  It will explain how the report contains information about student enrollment, teacher qualifications, student achievement, accountability, how our school is performing relative to other schools, and the progress our school is making toward narrowing proficiency gaps for different groups of students.  If you would like a paper copy of this report, please just let us know and we have them available in the Main Office.

Also, we were going to open the Aspen Parent Portal on Friday, December 13, but there have been some unforeseen technical glitches, which are making us postpone the opening.  We hope to have the Portal open to you soon.  Please watch this blog and I will be in touch about the opening when we are able to do so.  It will be a great convenience, but we just need to make sure it is set-up correctly.

If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact us.  

Thank you and have a great weekend,
M R Geoghegan