Thursday, October 23, 2014

Registering for NMS Winter Athletics

Registering for Winter Basketball

Winter sports are right around the corner.  For NMS, we have two sports available to all students here at Nichols.  There is a Boys basketball team and a Girls basketball team.

With almost 900 students in the school, tryouts are sometimes an interesting site to behold, but we do hold open tryouts for all three grades to be on the two teams.

Dates and times of Tryouts will be announced, put in the Calendar below and to the side, as well as put in Twitter account (also on the right-hand side of this blog).

All of our sports go through our District Athletic Director, Mr. Michael Perry.  His contact information is:  508-946-2010 x3116;

As all high students have to do in the district, we too have to enter all information online if interested in participating in sports.

I have posted the information below with some helpful hints and direct links to guide you through this "paperwork" portion of the registration.  If you are going to follow my directions, then you can read through and just click on: and Follow the Directions from Step 3 below.

Again, if you have any questions, please contact Mr. Perry for I know he will most certainly help you out.



Prior to trying out, all WINTER athletes must complete the following:

  1. Physicals must be returned to the school nurse
  2. Parents must fill out the paperwork on line using the following directions
    1. Go onto the Middleboro Public Schools website

    1. Click on Athletics Department (top choice) on the left hand side

    1. Click on Family ID Athletics Registration (fourth choice down) on the left hand side
  1. Scroll to the following: “REGISTRATION BY A PARENT OR GUARDIAN CAN BE COMPLETED BY CLICKING ON THIS LINK:” (Third Heading on the main part of the page.)
a.      Once on the FamilyID site click on sign up in the upper right hand corner
b.      Click on sign-up as a family or individual on the right hand side
c.       You will be asked for your family’s last name, e-mail, and password
d.      Once you complete this, FAMILYID will send you a confirmation e-mail
e.      Sign in to FamilyID using your created LOGIN then complete the paperwork and save (you will need Doctor’s info, insurance info, etc.) or SIGN UP as a Family or Individual.
f.        Register under Middleboro Athletics- 2014-15 Winter Sports
g.      You will receive a confirmation email once everything is completed. Make sure to submit as the final step.

  1. User fee is due by December 12, 2014. User fee must be paid online
    1. Return to the Middleboro Athletic Website
    2. Click on UniBank User Fees in the left hand column
    3. Click on MHS athletics User Fees Pay Portal
    4. Under Winter Athletics choose your son/daughters sport (Nichols or MHS)
    5. Complete payment form using Mastercard or Discover ($5 fee) or an automatic withdrawal from your checking account (.20 cents)
    6. You should receive an email confirmation when completed.