Monday, December 22, 2014

See You Next Year ...

December Reflections from Mr. Geoghegan
December is usually a time to reflect on what has happened in this past year.  Well, for me, I just want to say how great a start of the school year this has been so far.  I relish getting up each and every morning to come in.  

This year again saw us make some more tweaks and changes to the school, but I feel as though these adjustments are developments helping us achieve what we want for the students of the Nichols Middle School:  their success.  This is why we do everything we do, for their success.  I think we are moving in the right direction to having our students be the "leaders of their own learning" as the book we are studying as a faculty focuses us on.

The students have been incredible this year.  They have taken everything we have thrown at them in stride and see that even if things are getting a little tougher for them, as some of the changes might do, they understand what they are working for:  again, their success.  

The teachers and staff are amazing.  To come into a new school year with even more changes than the year before, they are truly professional.  It has been awesome to see all of us "rowing in the same direction" making sure we are improving each and every day.  It has been a joy to behold.  I have said this before, but I am just so appreciative of the whole Nichols community.  I have been so impressed by the dedication and determination of everyone to make sure that the Nichols is a first-class institution for learning from each and every stakeholder -- teacher, staff member, parent, community member and student.  

Mr. McLaughlin and I in our time here have made some modifications in and around the building, and we believe these shifts are helping the students to want to be here.  In the end, that is our goal.  If the students want to be here then the learning will follow with all the work the teachers and staff have done to make the learning engaging.  Again, we are going to continue to move in the right direction.
In the grand scheme of things, these really aren't many "reflections" other than it has been a sensational beginning to the school year, we remain steady in working hard to make NMS the best it can be, and we will be relentless in making sure we continue in this direction.

Enjoy the time with family and friends during this upcoming holiday break, and as teachers across the globe love to say on Tuesday, the last day before break, “See you next year.”

Have a wonderful, restful, and joyous holiday from everyone here at NMS; see you on January 5, 2015,
M. R. Geoghegan