Monday, March 30, 2015

NMS PTA Meeting, This Wednesday, April 1st at 7 PM in Media Center

April Meeting of the NMS PTA

This is Not An April Fool's joke ...

The NMS PTA will hold its monthly meeting for April on Wednesday, April 1, in the NMS Media Center at 7 PM.

Please come and support NMS.

Hear from Mr. Geoghegan, and hear about all the great things NMS PTA does support all of our students year-round.

Also, special guest speaker, Mr. Paul Branagan, Principal of Middleborough High School, will be on the agenda to discuss their awesome "Start Strong" Program.

Visit the NMS PTA website as well:  NMS PTA Blog

Come meet this helpful group of parents, who are working hard to make sure the Nichols Middle School is a sensational experience for each and every student.

NMS PTA meets typically on the first Wednesday each month.

7 PM in the NMS Media Center on Wednesday, April 1!  Be There.

Owen McCarthy -- 3-Time NMS Geography Champ Goes to States

NMS Geo Champ Represents at State Level

This past Friday, March 27, eighth grade student, Owen McCarthy represented the Nichols Middle School on the state level in the The National Geographic Geography Bee.

Owen has been our Geography Bee Champion all three years he has competed at the middle school. He won it as a 6th grader, 7th, and now 8th grade student.  An incredible accomplishment on its own.  

Once someone wins at the school level, that student must take a test to see if he qualifies for the state level.

This year Owen did just that, and this past Friday, Owen represented us in Worcester.

Owen's ride came to a close, but we appreciate all of Owen's hard work and diligence in representing Nichols so well.

Congrats, Owen!
Owen McCarthy with his certificate and medal with Mr. Geoghegan and Mr. Rothemich, Social Studies Department Leader

Massachusetts DA's Office Presentations on Tue, 3/31

Internet Safety & Cyber-Bullying Presentations

On Tuesday, March 31, Mr. McLaughlin has set up to have the District Attorney's Office representatives come in and present to all three grades of the Nichols Middle School.

We have done this before, and last year with scheduling conflicts, they were unable to come, but we are so happy to have them back.

Our Nichols' students live in a whole different world than the one we all grew up in.

When it comes to going online, interacting socially in websites, and the potential for trouble, we as a school need support in getting all the facts across to our students.

The DA's Office does a tremendous job.  They are able to speak from points of view, we as educators can only imagine.

Students are made to think.  And more than that, made to think twice before posting something, tweeting, or sending out a comment to the world on the world wide web.

There will be 3 presentations; one to each grade starting at 9 AM on Tuesday, March 31.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Mr. McLaughlin or me in the Main Office.

Thank you.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Wear Your BLUE, NMS, on Thursday, April 2, for Autism Awareness

Wear your BLUE
On Thursday - April 2nd, 2015
Celebrate National Autism 
Awareness Month

By wearing BLUE to school and donating $1.00 to MPAC, you will be supporting students with disabilities in the Middleborough Public Schools.

Sponsored by MPAC,
Middleboro SPED Parent Advisory Committee

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

REMINDER: New End of NMS Trimester 2 Dates

As Posted Earlier This Month ...

New End Dates for Term 2

With the snow days we have accrued during this second Trimester, we have changed the dates for Trimester 2.  Please mark these new dates on your calendar:

Thursday, April 9, G-Day -- The Last Day of Trimester 2 for Scheduling Purposes.  
Teachers may close their individual grades earlier than this day, but for Unified Arts scheduling purposes, the last day of Trimester 2 will be Thursday, April 9.

Friday, April 10, A-Day -- The First Day of Trimester 3 for Unified Arts and the changing of Lunches.  
All students will begin their 3rd Trimester class schedules.  It affects Art, Health, and STEM classes.

For our Lunch Schedule:
7th Grade will eat during 1st Lunch; 
8th Grade -- 2nd Lunch; and 
6th Grade -- 3rd Lunch.

Friday, April 17 -- Trimester 2 Report Cards Go Home
All students will be called back to their Homerooms at the end of the day, and given their Report Card to take home.  Students will also be given a receipt to have signed to say that parents have seen the Report Card.  Receipts will need to be returned when we come back to school after April Break.

Spring Parent-Teacher Conferences are still Thursday, April 9, from 6 to 8:30 PM, and on Thursday, April 16, from 4 to 6:30 PM.
More information to come about those.

Thank you.

NMS Spring Book Fair April 9 - April 17

NMS Will Host the Scholastic Book Fair

The NMS PTA will again be hosting the Scholastic Book Fair in the NMS Media Center from Thursday, April 9, through Friday, April 17.

Students will be able to go to the Book Fair during the school day, including lunch.

The Fair will also run during the two Parent-Teacher Conference nights of Thursday, April 9, 6 to 8:30 PM, and Thursday, April 16, 4 to 6:30 PM.

Please come by and support our NMS students by buying some books.  Please visit our Scholastic homepage for details, to answer any questions, and to check out the books anytime starting on April 4:

Or contact Ms. Rose Borges, our NMS PTA at Nichols Middle School PTA.

Thank you.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

NMS 6th & 8th Grade Students Start ELA MCAS Tomorrow, Wed 3/25 &3/26

MCAS Begins Wednesday, March 25 and Thursday, March 26, for Students in Grades 6 & 8 ELA Reading Comprehension

This afternoon I made an Alert-Now message reminding all parents about MCAS.

MCAS testing begins tomorrow, Wednesday, March 25.  

Our 6th and 8th Grade students will begin the ELA portion of the MCAS with Reading Comprehension.  They will then complete their ELA portions of the testing on Thursday, March 26.

Then on Thursday, April 2, our 7th Grade students will begin their administration of the Spring ELA tests with the Long Composition, and then on Tuesday, April 7, and Wednesday, April 8, they will complete their Reading Comprehension sections.    

Please try to make sure your child gets a good night sleep and something to eat for breakfast during these days.  We will be providing a water to all students, but they are also encouraged to bring in a healthy snack and a water bottle, if they choose.  Also, the cafeteria will be open for breakfast an extended time if anyone would like to purchase.

Please make sure students are here on-time all week, wish them luck and re-emphasize the tests' importance. 

Thank you,

M R Geoghegan

Monday, March 23, 2015

NMS Spring Picture Day Monday, March 30

Spring Picture Day is Monday, March 30, for All Students Interested

On Monday, March 30, we have LifeTouch in the building to take a Spring Portrait of any interested student.

If parents/students are not interested, one does not need to worry.

If you are interested, please see the information below.

Any questions, please contact us in the Main Office.

Important Parent Information Below 

John T Nichols Jr Middle School
Picture Day: Monday, March 30
It's easy to create your own package 
Ordering online is quick, easy, and gives you a wide selection of choices:

  1. Go to
  2. Create your own package with the sizes and quantities you want.
  3. Pay online and your order is complete!

Friday, March 20, 2015

Wear Your Sox Gear on Friday, April 10, to Help NMS Team Dylan Strike Out Cancer

Help NMS-Team Dylan Defeat Cancer

Nichols Middle School Community,

On Friday, April 10, a few days before Opening Day for the Red Sox at Fenway Park, the John T. Nichols, Jr. Middle School community will be participating in a very special fundraiser yet again: The Jimmy Fund Rally Against Cancer Fundraiser. 

The Berio Family has again joined forces with the students of Nichols Middle School to help strike out this horrible disease.

Students can come to school wearing their favorite Boston Red Sox gear, and all we are asking for is at least a dollar donation to wear your hat during school.

Students may make more of a donation, if they choose, for all the proceeds will go to the Jimmy Fund in support of Team Dylan Berio.

Dylan Berio is a seven year old, who is battling cancer. Dylan is the cousin of Madeline Berio, a sixth grade student here at NMS and brother of Hayden Berio former NMS student.

One can sign-up by making a gift in one of three ways to help strike out cancer:
            1. Bring a cash contribution to school on 
                 Friday, April 10th.
            2. Bring a check made out to "The Jimmy 
                 Fund" to school on Friday, April 10th.
                 Note in the memo section NMS TEAM 
            3. Visit the website and make an online 
                  donation at:

All proceeds raised will go to the Dana-Farber Pediatric Brain Tumor Research fund and to the Dana-Farber Brain Tumor Pediatric Patient Fund.

Please help us Rally Against Cancer and strike out this horrible disease.

Go NMS Team Dylan!  Thank You!

Majorette's Home Competition is Sunday 3/22

Middleborough Majorette's Home Competition is Sunday 3/22
It is at MHS 1pm.
Admission is $4 adults, $3 students

Come root on our M&M's!

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

NMS School Council Meeting on Wed. March 18 at 3 PM in Media Center -- All Are Welcome

NMS School Council Meeting on Wed. March 18 at 3 PM in Media Center

2014-2015 John T. Nichols, Jr. Middle School Council

Are you interested in getting involved with your child’s education in another way besides PTA or fundraising?  Would you like to be more involved in the academic aspects and decision making of your child's education here at Nichols?  If you are, then seriously consider whether you would be interested in joining the Nichols Middle School Council (also called a School Improvement Council).  By law, every school in the country has to have a School Council.  

The law outlines four major areas of responsibility for councils.  School councils are to assist principals in:  

  1. Adopting educational goals for the school that are consistent with local educational policies and statewide student performance standards; 
  2. Identifying the educational needs of students attending the school; 
  3. Reviewing the annual school building budget; and 
  4. Formulating a school improvement plan.

We meet once a month on the 3rd Wednesday of each month, except where specified below – with our next meeting on Wednesday, March 18, for about an hour, beginning at 3:00 PM and ending around 4 PM, to discuss such items as our School Improvement Plan, parent involvement, how we are working with MCAS data, what we are doing to improve teaching and learning, different curricular ideas, courses, etc.  In all, the group is not like the “PTA”; it is more a group of people who are looking into school improvement and how we can get the improvement we are looking for.

The group is made up of parents, teachers, and at least one community member.  If you are interested or would just like to come and check it out, please come to the next meeting, Wednesday, March 18, at 3 PM, in the Media Center at NMS or email me at If you have any questions, please let me know.  Thank you.

2014 – 2015 NMS School Council Meetings

March 18, 2015
April 15, 2015
May 21, 2015
June 17,2015

** All dates are the 3rd Wednesday of each month – except where specified

REMINDER: NMS PTA Spring Bulb&Flower Fundraiser Due Wed. March 18

It's time to start thinking about spring ...









Monday, March 16, 2015

Our 2015 MCAS Season Is Upon Us

The Start of Another MCAS Season

We are about to begin a new season.  And I’m not talking about baseball or the Red Sox, although they are in full swing of Spring Training.  This season, though, is not as well-known as fall, winter, or spring, but in this new age of education it is even more important:  the MCAS season is upon us.  Every student at the Nichols Middle School be starting and completing the English Language Arts (ELA) administration of the MCAS, the Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System (MCAS for short) in the next couple of weeks.

We have to keep in the forefront of our minds that these tests are important.  The reason for this is simple:  the MCAS is just that important.  I know it.  The teachers here at NMS know it.  Hopefully, the students understand it and do their best; and I am also hoping that parents are echoing these same sentiments at home. 

So on Wednesday, March 25, and Thursday, March 26, 2015, for our 6th and 8th Grade Students, they will complete the ELA Reading Comprehension sections.  Then on Thursday, April 2, our 7th Grade Students will complete their Long Composition portion and on Tuesday, April 7, and Wednesday, April 8, those same 7th Grade Students will complete the Reading Comprehension sections.  And then starting on May 5 through 20, students will be completing the Math (Grades 6, 7, 8) and Science and Technology (Grade 8 only) portions of the tests.  

These tests bring anxiety, fear, anticipation, grief, resentment, and relief.  With everyone’s differing feelings on MCAS, though, one thing is for sure, they are here and we must deal with them for the best of our students.  Students at NMS have been preparing all year every day in their classes for these assessments, but we all must make sure we are doing everything we can in order to make sure each and every student is ready. 

I will be having meetings with each grade level to discuss the importance of the tests, better test-taking skills, and some overall strategies to help them do better and relax.  Our teachers are preparing students with skills they need to succeed each and every day either through teaching to the standards, extra test prep during DIAL periods, reading and writing throughout our curricula, or working with our online math program Digits.  

So what, may you ask, can parents do?  Well, I am glad you asked.  The following is from the Guide to the MCAS for Parents/Guardians put out by the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education: 

What Can I Do to Help My Child?
Supporting your child is critical now and in his or her future academic career. Here are some tips for helping your child prepare for the next MCAS test administration.
·         Have regular discussions with your child’s teachers to see what you can do at home to support your child’s work in school.
·         Make sure your child gets enough rest, eats properly, and arrives at school on time every day.  Send your child to school prepared to learn.
·         Discuss with your child subjects that need improvement and whether he or she thinks there has been improvement.  If the answer is no, find out why.
·         Ask your child about homework that is due tomorrow and next week, and make sure this homework is completed.  Check your child's agenda nightly.
·         Ask your child to explain what he or she is studying.  These conversations help you follow your child’s progress, and help your child to remember what he or she has learned.
·         Help your child practice MCAS test questions, and review the tests together so you will all become familiar with the expectations.  Have them show you what the tests look like and try to answer the questions with him or her.

Test Prep Questions are on-line at DESE Website each day and other helpful information can also be found; there is a whole database of past tests and questions.  

Our teachers have been utilizing this all year, and more and more each day as we get closer to get used to the styles of questions as well as to be more familiar with the material.  We are getting there; each and every day we are getting closer to doing better as a school.

The MCAS is important.  Yes, it is, but we all know that we each have a part to play in the success of each child.  At NMS, we all believe each and every student can be successful at the MCAS and every other subject in school as well.  We are all going to work together as diligently as we can to make sure all students do succeed.  If we all keep this in mind and work together, there is no way we won’t succeed.  So, ‘tis the season of MCAS for it will be just another season of success for all of us at NMS.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

NMS Spirit Week -- March 16 through March 20

Spirit Week is Upon Us ... Catch the NMS Spirit

The NMS StuCo (Student Council) is organizing our NMS Spirit Week, Monday, March 16, through Friday, March 20, to help melt away those March doldrums. 

The Spirit Days are:

                  - Monday, March 16
              SuperFan Day (wear your favorite
                           Sports Team Swag)

                          - Tuesday, March 17
                     Green Day for St. Patrick's Day

                     - Wednesday, March 18
                      Wacky Wednesday Day

                        - Thursday, March 19
                                         Twin Day

                       - Friday, March 20
Wedn  School Spirit Day (Orange and Black)

Hope to see everyone show their NMS Spirit!  Any questions please let us know; thanks,
Mr. Rothemich and Ms. LaPerriere
NMS StuCo Advisors

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

February 2015 ROAR Award Winners Celebrated

February 2015 ROAR Awards Handed Out

Last fall NMS, and specifically Mr. McLaughlin, began a new program, which recognizes student achievement each month.  The ROAR award is given by each cluster and Unified Arts to acknowledge students who have been Respectful, On-time,  (displaying a positive) Attitude, and Responsible.  The goal is to recognize students who not only take care of basic expectations in class but are good citizens and role models in our community.

Award winners receive a certificate, a coupon for a free book at the book fair, bumper stickers for their parents’ cars, and their individual picture displayed in the school for the month.

The February award winners received their certificates from Mr. McLaughlin and Mr. Geoghegan in a brief ceremony on March 10.

The ROAR Award winners for February 2015 for each team were:

Grade 6 Challengers:  Leanne Melendy
Grade 6 Adventurers:  Dylan Furtado
Grade 7 Explorers:  Veronica Sullivan
Grade 7 Beacons:  Eric Grady
Grade 8 Apollos:  Domenic Leo
Grade 8 Comets:  Kobe Lomba

Unified Arts:  Elizabeth Besse (7th Grade)

Congratulations to all!  Thank you for all your efforts; you are ROARing to a sensational 2015!