Tuesday, January 27, 2015

#LearnLaunch Conference 2015

Mr. Geoghegan's Experience at an #EdTech Conference

This past weekend, Friday, January 23 through Saturday, January 24, I helped organize, participated, and engaged in a phenomenal conference at Harvard University, LearnLaunch15.

The conference's was called "Across Boundaries: Delivering on Edtech’s Promise."  The purpose of Across Boundaries is to promote dialogue about digital learning.  Their 3rd annual conference examined how the most promising digital tools are being implemented in educational settings to increase student learning.  The conference brought together a diverse set of voices to discuss the most challenging questions facing the educational technology industry today.

The conference had over 600 attendees who are passionate about edtech, including entrepreneurs, educators, investors, students, and industry experts.  This year’s focus was on empowering the edtech community to build, use, and deliver effective and engaging digital tools and learning experiences.

LearnLaunch Institute is a non-profit dedicated to increasing student achievement through the adoption of digital technologies. LearnLaunch Institute connects educators, entrepreneurs, learners, investors, and industry affiliates in the education innovation ecosystem. It offers conferences, meetups, classes, and other services to the edtech community.

I have personally been involved with LearnLaunch since I went to the conference in January of 2014.  This year I was able to help put together the conference as well as I was the moderator and participant in the Principal's Hot Seat panel, where we had principals from across the Commonwealth explain how we are attempting to utilize Educational Technology to gain more student learning.

I tried to Tweet out my experience at the conference.  Below is my Storify of those Tweets.

I hope you can see what our vision is for the Nichols as well as what we are attempting to do with our Google School, WiFi access, and Bring Your Own Device (BYOD).  They are all connected to try help us engage, teach, and empower our students to be more successful learners in their lives.

I hope you enjoy.

M. R. Geoghegan