Friday, June 16, 2017

Making the Transition to NMS a Successful One

Moving from 5th Grade to 6th Grade

In trying to ensure a smooth transition from elementary school to middle school, Mr. Geoghegan, Ms. Rae, Mr. Thomas, the guidance department, and 6th grade teachers have worked together to put on multiple programs to help in this endeavor.

On Tuesday evening, June 6, Mr. Geoghegan held a question and answer introductory meeting for 5th parents at the HBB Auditorium.  The night was well-received with over 100 parents present.

During the presentation, Mr. Geoghegan showed this video, which was produced and stars our students in the NMS Tiger TV Club.

Then on Friday, June 9, both the MKG and HBB sent their 5th Grade Students to the Nichols for our annual 6th Grade Tour.

Fifth graders were guided by current 6th Grade students as they walked around the building attempting to see and learn all about the building.  Many questions were asked and many more were answered.

In the auditorium, Mr. Geoghegan, Mr. Thomas, Ms. Rae, and Ms. Creditor introduced the in-coming sixth grade students to the building, watched the video above, and helped to try to explain that this experience will be a positive one for our new Tigers.

An awesome part of the program on both the parent evening as well as this one for the 5th Graders was having our very own Nichols Middle School students make presentations.  

Three 8th Grade students, Katie, Carolyn, and Cami all made this presentation to help encourage students to get involved in the numerous activities we have here at NMS.

The students got even more excited, especially when we were able to show them the video from CBS Boston.

Then on Monday, June 12, Mr. Geoghegan and our 29 6th Grade Guides went to the MKG and HBB 5th Grade Classrooms so the in-coming students had a smaller setting to try to ask and answer any of their questions.  They peppered our guides with questions on the schedule, classes, courses, homework, tests/quizzes, sports, after-school activities, clubs, lunch, gym classes, and many, many more.

Here are some pictures of our NMS Guides doing such a fabulous job.  Awesome job, Tigers!

The transition to middle school is a big one.  One we take great pride in making as smooth as possible for our in-coming sixth grade students as well as their parents/guardians.  We know and understand it is not just the students making this big step forward.

We are looking forward to September, and also our 6th Grade Open House / Ice Cream Social on Wednesday, August 30, at 6:30 PM in the NMS Auditorium.  (More Info to Come Home to You.)