Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Cory's Cause Presentations & Student Reactions

A True Message of Positivity

Cory Palazzi presented to our student body in three separate DIAL presentations on Monday, February 13, and Tuesday, February 14.  The message was one that our students received loud and clear.

When speaking with the students, all they could say is how much they "enjoyed it" and "learned from it."  It was "sad."  He was "funny."  "I liked him and his family."  "They talked to us as people should."  It was "really, really good" and "disturbing at times to think about what had happened to Cory," but overall, "I just loved his message for us:  That he is on this Earth now to help us from making his mistake of doing drugs."

I discussed with all three grades after the presentations that we do these not for the 57 minutes of the presentation but for the lasting message it could have on them.  I truly believe this we accomplished.

When students got back to their classes, many teachers engaged students in conversations about what they had just heard and seen, but in Art with Ms. Tucker and Health with Ms. Ciulla, they made Thank You cards for Cory and four posters.

One cannot help but see the impact Cory had on them and their lives.  That is exactly why we do these presentations for that message.

Thank you, Ms. Ciulla and Ms. Tucker for these heartfelt pieces of art.  Here are just a few of them; they will all be displayed in the Main Hallway of NMS: