Thursday, February 9, 2017

Cory's Cause Such a Powerful Message

A Meaningful Life Explained

On Tuesday, February 7, Cory Palazzi, his mother, and step-father presented a Parent Forum at the Nichols Middle School Auditorium.  It was, in a word, incredible.

We have had Mr. Dick Hoyt and other influential, motivational speakers come and present in our auditorium, but I, for one, can say that this evening was one of the most powerful presentations I have ever seen.

The presentation started with a video, which I had posted earlier on this blog, but I will post again, here:

Mrs. Palazzi and Mr. Palazzi then spoke so eloquently about how we must protect our children from the pain and heartache of drug addiction.  Cory's dad said, "It's OK to look through your kids' room and things.  Snoop around like a detective.  Look through their cell phones.  We have to do everything we can to keep our kids safe.  Be the bad guy.  Do everything you can do to protect them."  Mrs. Palazzi went on to say, "The three most dangerous words to say are:  'Not my kid.'"  She said that she had said that line before.  Her son was an honors student and an athlete she kept busy all the time with sports, and that, "I said it, 'Not my kid'; and look at me now.  I'm up here with my kid who was doing it." 

Cory spoke as well saying that "I now know what my life was meant for.  I am here to go to schools and educate students and parents about the dangers of addiction.  In the video, I say, 'My life sucks' but I'm glad it turned out the way it did.  I'm here to help."

Our NMS students will hear and see Cory and his parents this upcoming week in DIAL classes with 8th Grade on Monday, February 13, and with 6th and 7th Grade in their DIALs on Tuesday, February 14.

This powerful message will hopefully help our students see and understand the true dangers of drug addiction.