Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Plymouth County's DA Office Presentation on Internet Safety

NMS Students Get Reminders about Internet Safety

On Tuesday, March 31, all NMS students in three separate presentations were given reminders about how and why to stay safe on the Internet.

Two representatives from the Plymouth County District Attorney's Office and Sheriff's Department talked with our Nichols students about how they need to protect themselves on the World Wide Web (www).

The presenters started with simple questions about who has cells, smart phones, tablets, iPads, iPods, XBoxes, etc.?

How many students use FaceBook, Twitter, Instagram, and others?

The numbers are great who do, and who go online.

They then asked how many of their parents monitor their online behaviors?  Not as many hands.

They then went into detail and explained the situations our students can easily find themselves in when they don't think about what they are doing.

In the end, our students learned, relearned, and were reminded about things they have heard from their teachers, their parents, and from administrators for years.

These are the great words of wisdom, we will continue to remind them of:

Don't Be a Creep.  Be nice to others as you would like to be treated.

Be kind.  Think before hitting Send or Post.

It's permanent.  Anything you put on the Internet can be there forever.

If it's on the WWW, it's not Private.  It is available for Everyone.

You cannot permanently delete ANYTHING.

Think about how everyone can see it and would you want EVERYONE to see it.  Think about your parents, siblings, grandparents, teachers, coaches, friends, and not friends anymore being able to see what you've posted and how they might react to it or use it.

Think about how some future Job or School/University will think about it.  Again, something you did as a 6th, 7th, or 8th grade student can still be available 4, 5, 10 years later on the web.

Again, most importantly:

THINK AND THINK AGAIN before sending, putting, posting, or writing anything on your phone, social media account, phone, etc.

We need our students to think about how all of this can affect them.

We hope the message got through, but again, we are going to keep reminding them of this important message.

Any questions, please let Mr. McLaughlin or me know.

Thank you.