Friday, May 27, 2016

Unbelievable Talent Shown at 2016 NMS Talent Show

The Results Are In ... NMS Has Tremendous Talent.

And the winner is ... Everyone.

Anyone and everyone that was at the annual NMS Talent Show on Thursday, May 26, evening got to see the phenomenal talent that walk the halls of the Nichols Middle School.  

Ms. Sally Weaver orchestrated our 2016 NMS Talent Show, and there were some sensational showings.

There were 22 incredible acts overall, and the judges of Ms. Jen Healy, Ms. Meghan Adams, and Ms. Carolyn Ciulla had the very difficult task of deciding on winners.

Students sang, danced, cupped, twirled, did flips, sang about history, gave a speech, played piano, and even showed ninja skills, to name a few of the immense talents on display. 

All student acts were awesome but the following were the winners in selected categories.

Ms. Weaver would like to thank all student performers for you all were incredible to put yourselves out there.

Also, Ms. Carmela Mayeski and Mr. Will Candler were spectacular in their own unique ways as superb hosts introducing each act.

The NMS PTA was so gracious in helping out with tickets and concessions.

Ms. Anderson, Mr. Brandon, Ms. Buron, and Ms. Rae were all on-hand to cheer on our students.

2016 NMS Talent Show Winners

Vocal Partners Division

1st Place:  Julie Carrington and Tori Warner
2nd:  Jamie Rose and Arianna Siciliano
3rd:  Narelyn Tineo and Eva Gould

Vocal Single Division

1st:  Carissa Chane
2nd:  Margaret Phillie
3rd:  Josh Dolan


1st:  Mia Bennett
2nd:  Savannah Gilbeault
3rd:  Olivia Pasquerello

Vocals with Instrument

1st:  Ella Ferrigno

Grand Prize Winner:  Cami Morano

Awesome job, all. Thank you for shining bright for NMS!

Here are a few pics from the evening ...